Smart Plastic is the No. 1 Technology in the Industry for Efficacy by a Wide Margin

Smart Plastic’s SPTek ECLIPSETM technology is a crucial safety net should plastic products evade the recycling system. Following a guaranteed functional life span, packaging has been shown to degrade up to 63% in 6 months under simulated landfill conditions.

By comparison, conventional plastics are not considered biodegradable. (As verified by ASTM D5526 test).

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Smart Plastic’s SPTek ECLIPSETM technology is a crucial safety net should plastic products evade the recycling system. Following a guaranteed functional life span, packaging has been shown to degrade up to 63% in 6 months under simulated landfill conditions.

By comparison, conventional plastics are not considered biodegradable. (As verified by ASTM D5526 test).

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What are nanoplastics? An engineer explains concerns about particles too small to see.

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