Our mission is so much larger than the products we design. We see the reality of plastic waste and its impact on our planet, and truly believe every living being deserves a healthy and abundant future.

At Smart Plastic Technologies, we are changing plastic to better our planet and the future of all its inhabitants.

Who Are We
ECLIPSE™ Straw product photo.
ECLIPSE™ Products

Products designed for proper disposal of plastics

Our ECLIPSE™ additive solutions directly support our mission to reduce the environmental impact of plastic by designing products with end-of-life mitigation in mind. Our sustainability solutions are currently produced and shipped globally and drastically mitigate plastic waste without producing nanoplastic as a final residue.

Person holding an oyster shell.
SPTek Technology

Protecting the
well-being of people and planet

Our portfolio of performance additives serves to profoundly reduce the harmful environmental impact of plastic.

Science Center

Let us prove it to you

The Science Center serves as a digital space where we present completed research, compliance documents, and ongoing product research and development, to support our technology and it's critical role as an essential solution to the current plastic waste crisis.

Aerial shot of semi trucks outside a warehouse.

Redefining plastic for the circular economy

Established in 2016, Smart Plastic is a leading disruptor in sustainability, waste management, environmental, and human wellness spaces. Learn more about us, our story, our timeline, and our cornerstones as you read on.

News from Smart Plastic

With dynamic new technology and developments around every corner, things move fast at Smart Plastic HQ. Keep up with everything right here. We’re the folks that are quietly, actually getting the job done.

Smart Plastic’s SPTek ECLIPSETM technology is a crucial safety net should plastic products evade the recycling system. Following a guaranteed functional life span, packaging has been shown to degrade up to 63% in 6 months under simulated landfill conditions.

By comparison, conventional plastics are not considered biodegradable. (As verified by ASTM D5526 test).

What are nanoplastics? An engineer explains concerns about particles too small to see.

Nanoplastics – little bits of plastic, smaller than a pencil eraser – are turning up everywhere and in everything, including the ocean, farmland, food, and human bodies. Now a new term is gaining attention: nanoplastics. These particles are even tinier than microplastics, and that's a huge problem.

Make your plastic better today

Get in touch with one of our skilled team members to learn how you can revolutionize your products.