Empowering plastic to extend products' lifespan

SERVO™ is a powerful tool in the global fight against waste, destroying mold growth in products and extending their life span so consumers can use them longer!

  • Compatible with all polymers(PE, PP, PS, PET, etc.)
  • Resin carrier
  • Minimal inclusion in production process
  • Delays the appearance and growth of mold for 10–35 days
  • Proven reliability through extensive independent testing
  • 100% recyclable
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No mold, no problem

As soon as there’s signs of fungi or mold on a product it typically goes in the trash. This is why we developed SERVO™, to extend the life span of products and keep them out of landfills.


Your defense against mold and fungi

Our powerful SERVO™ technology penetrates the wall of fungi cells and destroy them from the inside out. This ensures the cells cannot replicate, effectively killing the mold and fungi before it spreads.


Products stay in use for longer and out of landfills

By ensuring the delay of mold and fungi, SERVO™-enabled materials stay out of landfills and in use for longer. This powerful additive helps fight the global waste crisis by keeping products fresh.


Empowering plastic to extend products' lifespan

SERVO™ is a powerful tool in the global fight against waste, destroying mold growth in products and extending their life span so consumers can use them longer!

  • Compatible with all polymers(PE, PP, PS, PET, etc.)
  • Resin carrier
  • Minimal inclusion in production process
  • Delays the appearance and growth of mold for 10–35 days
  • Proven reliability through extensive independent testing
  • 100% recyclable
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No mold, no problem

As soon as there’s signs of fungi or mold on a product it typically goes in the trash. This is why we developed SERVO™, to extend the life span of products and keep them out of landfills.


Your defense against mold and fungi

Our powerful SERVO™ technology penetrates the wall of fungi cells and destroy them from the inside out. This ensures the cells cannot replicate, effectively killing the mold and fungi before it spreads.


Products stay in use for longer and out of landfills

By ensuring the delay of mold and fungi, SERVO™-enabled materials stay out of landfills and in use for longer. This powerful additive helps fight the global waste crisis by keeping products fresh.

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Science Center

Let us share our discoveries with you

The Science Center serves as a digital space where we present credible research, compliance documents, and ongoing product research and development, to prove our technology and why it is an essential solution to the current plastic waste crisis.

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